Music at St Mary's

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St Mary’s Choir

St Mary’s Church has maintained quite a strong musical tradition for many years now.  The present choir numbers around 30 adults. We also have a Junior Choir. Choir practice is held every Friday evening, with Junior Choir from 5.45pm until 6.45pm and adults from 6.30pm until 8pm. The choir leads the music at the 10.30am Sung Eucharist and 6.30pm Choral Evensong, each service having a practice beforehand at 9.45am and 5.30pm respectively. We sing a variety of music spanning the centuries, from plainchant through to very contemporary commissions, and we are one of a diminishing number of choirs that sings Choral Evensong every week.

On the third Sunday of the month, we have a very successful “Come and Sing’ evensong which draws people from far and wide who don’t wish to make a regular commitment. On this Sunday we rehearse at 4pm until 5.45pm and then have tea and refreshment before the service at 6.30pm. These special services are led by different directors each month – all very distinguished choir trainers.

Membership of the choir is flexible for those who cannot make a full commitment, but all members are expected to attend the Friday night rehearsal and at least one of the Sunday services. During the year, the choir sings at a number of special services and events and also maintains a lively social life.  The choir is non-auditioned, but it is hoped that prospective members should show a reasonable standard of music reading. Anyone wishing to be considered for membership should get in touch with the Director of Music, Simon Lole.


St Mary’s Junior Choir

The St Mary’s Junior Choir is open to both boys and girls in Year 3 and above.

No musical knowledge is required. All we expect is that children in the choir:

  • love to sing and want to get the best out of their voices
  • are able to read confidently
  • are prepared to turn up regularly and support special events

We meet in church on Friday evenings from 5.45pm to 6.45pm.

Regular events, roughly once a month, are organised at which the children can use the music and skills that they have learnt on Fridays. These can include:

  • helping to lead the singing at the monthly Sunday morning family service
  • participating in special services such as the Town Carol Service
  • joining other children and adults in concerts and singing events

If you have a child who wants to join the choir, or to find out more, contact David Fawcett.


Click here for September 2024 Music List



To contact Simon Lole, Director of Music at St Mary's please click the link below or call him on 07888 653529.


The Organ

St Mary’s is fortunate to possess a fine 3 manual organ, which was rebuilt in 2017 by the Isle of Wight firm, Andrew Cooper and Co. It has a variety of colours and is equipped with the latest technology to enable the player to perform every style of organ music with authenticity. The specification is found below:

Click here to view the specification for the organ