Summer Organ Recitals at St Mary’s

Summer Organ Recitals at St Mary’s

I am very pleased that after a two year gap due to the pandemic, we are able to re-start our summer organ recital series again this year. There will be four recitals – each on a Thursday evening at 7.30pm and tickets are £10. 

The first recital on Thursday 2nd June will be a celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with lots of associated Royal Music, including William Walton’s stunning Crown Imperial, and Elizabethan Serenade, and the famous celebratory Toccata from the Fifth Symphony by Charles Widor. Our celebrated guest recitalist will be Malcolm Archer who has led a very distinguished career in church music, including posts as Director of Music at Bristol, Wells and St Paul’s Cathedrals, as well as Director of Chapel Music at Winchester College. 

On 16th June we shall welcome back – by popular request – Dr Gordon Stewart, one of the UK’s leading concert organists. Do please pass the word around.

Simon Lole, Director of Music, St Mary’s