'Tea at the Ritz'

Just a reminder of our Ritz Teas to be held at All Saints Hall, Swanage on 20th July in aid of Swanage Linking Lives and the Place of Welcome, both local charities whose aim is to help, support, befriend and visit lonely, housebound, disabled people many of whom can not leave home but a number of whom will be at the Teas.and would love a friendly chat.
'Saints' Colin and Julian are offering lifts to those unable to get there so let me know if you know of someone who needs  a lift. More 'lift saint's' would be much appreciated. Also anyone happy to  push wheelchair bound people from Gainsborough Nursing Home to the Hall. (about 150 yards) also much appreciated.
Even if you can't come do please spread the word! 
Finally,Our lovely sponsor doubles all the money we make so ..........